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Adapter and Contexts

Gyver provides a robust configuration class and adapter system that offers extensive support for various environments, facilitating seamless integration with different resources.


DatabaseConfig is decorated with as_config and encompasses the following configurable parameters:

  • driver: Driver, an enumeration with the options:
    • .MYSQL
    • .SQLITE
    • .MARIADB
    • .CUSTOM
  • host: str, The database host; for SQLite databases, provide the filepath.
  • port: int, The database port; if not specified or set to -1, the default port for the chosen driver is used.
  • user: str, The user for connecting to the database. (Optional)
  • password: str, The password for connecting to the database. (Optional)
  • name: str, The name for connecting to the database. (Optional, only for non-SQLite drivers)
  • pool_size: int, the size of the connection pool to be used; the default is 20.
  • pool_recycle: int, time in seconds before recycling a connection; the default is 3600.
  • max_overflow: int, The maximum connections if the pool is full; the default is 0.

Regarding Dialect Defaults and Customization

To check dialect default values, refer to the source code of resolve_driver. To access the resolved port of the configuration, use database_config.effective_port.

If you need a dialect implementation other than those provided by Gyver: - Ensure SQLAlchemy supports the dialect. - Create a class adhering to the Dialect protocol or create an instance of DialectInfo with the desired defaults.. - Use Driver.CUSTOM in the .driver attribute of the configuration. - Prior to using db_config, call db_config.override_dialect(your_dialect_instance).


from gyver.config import AdapterConfigFactory, DialectInfo
from gyver.database.config import DatabaseConfig

# In this case, the expected environment variables will include:
# DB_DRIVER (options: 'mysql', 'postgres', 'sqlite', 'mariadb', 'custom')
# DB_HOST (database host without the schema)
# DB_PORT (port as an integer) (Optional)
# DB_USER (database username) (Optional; Gyver will URL-encode the username)
# DB_PASSWORD (database password) (Optional; Gyver will URL-encode the password)
# DB_NAME (database name) (Optional; Gyver will URL-encode the name)
# DB_POOL_SIZE (pool size as an integer) (Optional)
# DB_POOL_RECYCLE (pool recycle as an integer) (Optional)
# DB_MAX_OVERFLOW (max overflow as an integer) (Optional)
config = AdapterConfigFactory().load(DatabaseConfig, __prefix__="db")

# To override the dialect implementation:
# 1. Verify if SQLAlchemy supports the desired dialect.
# 2. Create a class representing the dialect adhering to the Dialect protocol or create an instance of DialectInfo with the desired values.
# 3. Pass an instance of the dialect to the config.

class AioPGDialect:
    default_port = 5432
    driver = Driver.POSTGRES
    dialect_name = "postgresql"
    async_driver = "aiopg"
    sync_driver = "psycopg2"
    only_host = False

# Alternatively, create an instance of DialectInfo
aio_pg_dialect = DialectInfo(


The Adapter

Gyver provides an adapter for integration with SQLAlchemy, featuring a flexible interface already integrated with gyver.context.


The Session context handler for both sync and asyncio interfaces internally employs an SQLAlchemy Connection, limiting session accessibility outside the context.

Sync Interface

When working with a synchronous interface, you can utilize the adapter to perform various tasks.


from gyver.database import DatabaseAdapter

# Create a new adapter instance
adapter = DatabaseAdapter()

# With the adapter at hand, you can create various 
# contexts for both the core and the
# ORM API of SQLAlchemy.
# adapter.context() returns a context handler 
# for the core API, utilizing 
# a sqlalchemy.engine.Connection as the resource.


# adapter.session() returns a context handler 
# for the ORM API, utilizing a 
# sqlalchemy.orm.Session as the resource.


# Should you need to directly use the 
# SQLAlchemy engine, access it 
# through adapter.engine.

The Asyncio Interface

When working with an asyncio driver, you can still use the same adapter with asyncio methods.

from gyver.database import DatabaseAdapter

# Create a new adapter instance
adapter = DatabaseAdapter()

# With the adapter at hand, you can create 
# various contexts for both the
# core and the ORM API of SQLAlchemy.
# adapter.async_context() returns a 
# context handler for the core API, utilizing a 
# sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncConnection as the resource.


# adapter.async_session() returns a 
# context handler for the ORM API, utilizing a
# sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession as the resource.

# Should you need to directly use the 
# SQLAlchemy engine, access it through 
# adapter.async_engine.


By default, all database helper classes are frozen. To modify the configuration, create a new adapter instance.